Monday, November 1, 2010


 It's the times we're so crazy,
that people think we're high.
It's the times we laugh so hard,
we can't help but cry.
It's all the inside jokes
and "remember whens".
those are all the reasons
that we're best friends!

 Of all the friends I've ever met, you're the one I won't forget and if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
The only reason god didn't make us sisters is because one mom couldn't handle us both.
  Friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow
 When the bottle has been kicked, when the rum has run dry, when we've fallen out of love with the perfect guy, when the party is over, when we're passed out on the floor, when we can't keep kicking ass in beer pong anymore, we'll still be friends cause we know the deal, we're each others girls and we'll always keep it real.
 What's Blair without Chuck, What's Family Guy without Stewie , What's Spongebob without Patrick, It's me without you.
 People say best friends are hard to find -- that's because the best is already mine!

Love U , babe ! 


Marette said...

I love U too ;*
(peaks varsti uue sõbrapildi tegema ;D)

Mirelle . said...

Homme juba teemegi juuu, suht emotsioonitu, aga nh, ajab ära :D:D.

Marette said...

no, mul on kodus üks peegelkaameramoodustis millel on timer, sellega saab ka emotsiooniga söbrakaid teha ;D

Mirelle . said...

wooo :D:D
teeme ära ;P